GenerativeComponents Help

Promote To Node

Used to promote MicroStation drawing and solids modeling elements to GenerativeComponents Nodes.
Accessed from:

  • Ribbon: Computational Design > Home > Place Geometry > Promote Element
  • Toolbox - Manipulate Node

Opens Promote To Node tool settings dialog where you can set promote mode and apply active symbology to node and retain or not the original element in the model.

Promote Mode Sets the desired mode to element being promoted to node.
  • Promote — promotes the selected MicroStation element to a GenerativeComponents node.
  • Reference — references the selected element as per Promote Type set.
  • Promote Type — a type selected from the pull down list sets as reference.
For example, if Promote Type = Polygon, then you can select that polygon just once since it used as an "ElementPath" in Polygon.ByElement in Graph. As it is a MicroStation element referenced for GenerativeComponents Node, so you cannot reference same element again.
Use Active Symbology When set, the promoted node will be assigned the active symbology.
Keep Original When set, the drafting element will be retained in the drawing.